Kishwaukee Family YMCA

Youth Development Alerts Healthy Living Social Responsibiliy

Active Older Adults

The Kishwaukee Family YMCA offers fitness programs for active older adults and seniors like water exercise, stretching classes and walking.  But, we know that older adults are seeking more than physical benefits when they exercise. They also want a sense of community and to strengthen social ties. The Y has several activities to encourage older adults to take action and get involved. Socializing and volunteering have positive effects on the health of older adults, and exercise has proven to promote mental agility in addition to longevity and good health.  Join the fun in a safe and welcoming wellness class. Make new friends and connect with other people just like you. Build confidence as you learn how to exercise properly under the guidance of one of our caring certified instructors. Be inspired, laugh, get fit, have fun and reach your goals. Supportive classes for those just starting on a path to a healthier lifestyle are available, as are classes for those well on their way.

Health & Well-Being Programs

We offer fitness programs for older adults such as group exercise classes, Strength and Balance, Enhanced Fitness, Yoga, Group Active, Arthritis Aquatics, Stretch/Strength/Recover/Relief, Low Impact Aquacize and Senior Water Exercise.

Functional Training for Seniors

This class will help active older adults improve and maintain strength, balance, and flexibility for everyday tasks, such as lifting, carrying and getting up from the floor, in a supportive, small group environment.

Enhanced Fitness®

Now there’s a fitness program designed for older adults just like you. Enhance Fitness combines the key components of fitness: strength training, flexibility, cardiovascular conditioning and balance. Classes begin with a warm-up, followed by strength training with light, soft wrist and ankle weights, a cardio session and finish with a cool-down and stretching. This program is recognized by the CDC. Exercises can be done in a chair or standing based on participants needs. Great for those with Arthritis.

Strength and Balance

Studies show it is never too late to build muscle strength and endurance to help accomplish daily tasks, improve balance and increase flexibility. Developed with NIU, this class incorporates balls, resistance bands, and light hand weights to build overall fitness for everyday life. Exercises are done standing and/or in a chair.

Zumba Gold

A Latin dance-style class designed with slower pacing to cater to the needs of beginners. This class is perfect for those new to dance cardio and active older adults.


Pickleball is a newer sport that takes elements from badminton, tennis and ping pong. Pickleball is a fun game that is played on a badminton court with the net lowered to 34 inches at the center. It is played with a perforated plastic baseball (similar to a whiffle ball) and wood or composite paddles. It is easy for beginners to learn, but can develop into a quick, fast-pasted competitive game for experienced players. Please sign up at the Front Desk on the interest list.


Click here to view more information about our Group Water Classes.


Click here to a class schedule for our Active Older Adult Classes.