Kishwaukee Family YMCA

Youth Development Alerts Healthy Living Social Responsibiliy

Pedaling For Parkinson’s™

Pedaling For Parkinson’s: Pedaling a bicycle may change the life of someone with Parkinson’s disease. Research conducted at the Cleveland Clinic showed a 35% reduction in symptoms by the simple act of pedaling a bicycle at a rapid pace – optimally, 80-90 revolutions per minute.

Fast pedaling is not a cure of Parkinson’s disease and should not be touted as such, but there is compelling evidence to show that it does make a real difference for many who try it.

We do know that fast-paced cycling is changing the lives of increasing numbers of participants who, before this, had no hope beyond medication and eventually surgery to slow the progression of their disease.

“The class has been a life-changing event for me in slowing down the progression of my disease. In just a matter of three weeks of spinning I was able to hang up my cane and walk freely and with some sort of balanced walk.”  – Participant of the YMCA of Snohomish County’s Pedaling For Parkinson’s program. 

PROGRAM OFFERINGS:  Fall, Winter, Spring & Summer

Additional Information:

Winter/Spring Registration: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Winter 1: January 6 – February 23
Winter 2: February 24 – April 13
Spring: April 14 – June 1 (No Practice on April 20)

Tues. & Thurs. 10:00-10:45am

Cycling Room at the Kishwaukee YMCA

Class is FREE for YMCA members and Non-Members with a Doctor’s note.

Questions? Contact: 
Laci Emmens
Healthy Living Coordinator