Kishwaukee Family YMCA

Youth Development Alerts Healthy Living Social Responsibiliy

Youth Roller Hockey League

Our Youth Roller Hockey League is designed to introduce boys and girls to the fundamental elements of hockey in a fun, instructional and safe environment. From the moment your child hits the floor, our program will assist them with the advancement of their individual skill level and hockey knowledge while enhancing their level of play through fundamental skill work, sportsmanship and team building in a structured environment.

12 & UNDER
12 & Under is a mix of beginning and novice players. They can be new to skating and the game of hockey, or learning.
This level focuses on the physical basics of skating (forward, backward, turning, and stopping), basic stick/puck handling, passing, and shooting. The program is intended to help the player develop and refine the basic hockey foundational skills to play and compete in an organized and structured hockey team environment.

16 & UNDER
The experienced levels of the YMCA Youth Hockey Organization are for the player that has a good foundation of hockey skills set and a solid grasp on the details of the game (Beginning and Intermediate skills are required or upon coaches’ assessment)
This level is for the experienced player who can learn advanced drills and hockey techniques as well as play at a competitive level. Players are evaluated and split into teams for the session. Aside from physical skills, a focus is put on developing team dynamics, communication, and leadership to enhance the players as they continue through their hockey career.

Helmet with shield/cage, gloves, elbow pads, hockey shin guards, hockey or sweatpants, skates, and a hockey stick.

PROGRAM OFFERINGS:  Fall, Winter & Spring

Additional Information:

Winter Registration: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Winter: January 30 – May 10
(No Practice/Games on Jan. 25, Feb. 8 & 22, Mar. 1)


12 & Under: Thurs. 6:45-7:45pm
16 & Under: Thurs. 7:45-8:45pm

12 & Under: Sat. 1:00-2:00pm
16 & Under: Sat. 2:00-3:00pm

Sports Center

Family Members: $127
Members: $190
Non-Members: $254

Family Members: $64
Members: $95
Non-Members: $127

Questions? Contact:
Kelsey Lynch
Marketing & Sports Director