Kishwaukee Family YMCA

Youth Development Alerts Healthy Living Social Responsibiliy

Lunch & Learn – Series with Northern Rehab and Hy-Vee

Staying Healthy Together


The Kishwaukee Family YMCA and Northern Rehab Physical Therapy Specialists invite the community to join us for our monthly collaborative Morning Coffee & Lunch (provided by Hy-Vee) for the Lunch & Learn Educational Series.
This educational series is free and open to the public. Registration is required and lunch (sandwiches & Chips) will be provided by our co-sponsor HyVee in Sycamore.


February 20 – Shoulder Pain Management & Prevention

Attendees learn how shoulder function relates to other structures in the body and easy strategies to prevent injury. Additionally, learn basic strategies in early management of shoulder pain.

March 20 – Safe & Effective Exercise for High Blood Pressure

Attendees will learn about the causes and risk factors for high blood pressure, how exercise can safely assist in its management, as well as when it is appropriate to seek further medical or physical therapy evaluation and treatment.

April 17 – Strength Training For Osteoporosis

Attendees will learn key strength exercises to boost bone density and overall strength, practical tips to improve bone health and prevent fractures, and strategies to safely integrate these exercises into daily routines for maintain strong, healthy bones.